Gladius Technologies offers comprehensive plant engineering services. The primary aim is to contribute in the growth of sectors like; Oil & Gas, Petrochemical, Refinery, Process, Power, Utility (Water and Waste Water Treatment), Fertilizer, Food & Pharmaceuticals Industries.Our design team involves well trained & experienced professionals (senior design engineers, draughtsman) with an up-to-date knowledge of the latest design codes & standards used worldwide. Major International codes and standards used in General practice but not limited to;
ASME B31.1 / 31.2 / 31.3 / 31.4 / 31.8 / 31.9 l ASME Section VIII, Div.1 / Div.2, API STD-650 / 620 / 2000 l TEMA l PD-5500 l BSEN 10025 l BS5950 l BS8110 l IS456 l ACI 318 l IS800-1984 (WSM) l IS800-2007 (LSM) EURO CODE 3 l AS 4100 l UBC etc.
Reference Books & Various Company Standards

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